Sunday, October 19, 2014

Breakfast is the best meal.

Last week, there were two consecutive days where literally all of my meals except breakfast were takeout-and I'm sure I'm not the only one. SO: when life gets moving too fast, eating a substantial breakfast makes a world of a difference in being able to power through hard days, hard midterms, hard workouts, etc.

Egg White Oatmeal
Time required: 7-10 minutes
Though it may sound weird, added protein from the egg whites helps this oatmeal keep you feeling full longer while giving the oatmeal a custard-y texture!

½ cup rolled oats
½ cup milk (of your preference; I use light vanilla soy)
½ cup water
Sprinkle of dried cranberries (I usually use around a ¼ cup)
1/3 cup egg whites

Combine the oats, milk, water, and cranberries in a microwaveable bowl. This mixture will boil, so make sure the bowl is deep enough. Microwave for 3 minutes. Stir in the egg whites, microwave for 45 seconds, stir again, then microwave for 45 more seconds. Be sure to keep an eye on it so that it doesn’t bubble over and make a mess out of your microwave-that’s happened to me too many times.

Toppings are totally up to you-I usually opt for things like chia seeds, cinnamon, honey, pumpkin butter, etc. Sometimes I'll throw in some cookie butter or nutella but only if I'm feeling really naughty ;)

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